numbers game

美 [ˈnʌmbərz ɡeɪm]英 [ˈnʌmbəz ɡeɪm]
  • n.(通常为误导他人的)数字游戏
numbers gamenumbers game

numbers game


  • 1
    N-SING (通常为误导他人的)数字游戏
    If you say that someone is playing the numbers game, you think that they are concentrating on the aspects of something which can be expressed in statistics, usually in order to mislead people.

    Regrettably, he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector.


  • 2
    See also:number


an illegal daily lottery
Synonym: numbers pool numbers racket numbers


  1. MPs were playing the numbers game as the crucial vote drew closer .


  2. It 's really a simple numbers game with negative and positive numbers .


  3. Regrettably , he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector .


  4. For all the feelings readers attach to stories , literature is a numbers game , and the test of time is extremely difficult to pass .


  5. Let 's just play the numbers game here .


  6. Some people treat job hunting as a numbers game .


  7. The Population Numbers Game from A Village Perspective and Its Reflections


  8. You also need a tolerance for rejection and playing a numbers game .


  9. This truth makes trading a probability or numbers game .


  10. Because evolution is a numbers game .


  11. As we 've been told over and over again , it 's a numbers game .


  12. It 's a numbers game with very little emphasis on the things that really matter : namely communication skills .


  13. Numbers Game in Wooing Investment


  14. Keeping track of daily health is a numbers game and , for many , one that is too much work to justify the means .


  15. Remember what good sales people already know : that winning a sale , a job , or any other goal is a numbers game .


  16. You will not make decent income until you start drawing thousands of visitors daily-it is a simple numbers game .


  17. I 'm not saying he doesn 't need a rest but because of the numbers game , we 'll cut our cloth accordingly .


  18. If you asked me to distill trading down to its simplest form , I would say that it is a pattern recognition numbers game .


  19. However , not all people are keen on reading books , solving crossword puzzles and getting into Japanese numbers game like Sudoku .


  20. Its a numbers game , but one you can only embark on if youre confident enough which is what Jean hopes to teach .


  21. By the same token , how can a losing trade or even a series of losers have the typical negative effect , if you really believe that trading is a probability or numbers game ?


  22. Oil-rich Middle Eastern states , kingdoms and emirates are competing with China , while other countries keen to display newfound wealth have joined in this slightly inane numbers game .


  23. It 's a cynical numbers game that further darkens the whole admissions process , a life juncture that should be exhilarating but is governed these days by dread .


  24. You 're not making finding a job a job itself : Many people don 't adopt a committed , passionate , failure-is-not-an-option attitude and don 't recognize that finding a job is a numbers game .


  25. Asked whether super-delegates should feel empowered to overturn the will of the voters expressed through pledged delegates , Clinton suggested the nomination battle is more than a numbers game .


  26. Ken Favaro , Strategy & senior partner and author of the study , described the disconnect we see between the growing percentage of women going into business and the stagnating percentage reaching the executive level as a " numbers game . "


  27. If , for example , China blows up , it won 't be half as bad for the rest of the world if the numbers give the game away before hand .
